The handful of time that I am charily granted
Will likewise pass, to oblivion duly apprenticed.
Categories: Poetry
Tagged: death, dentist, philosophy, Phyllis McGinley, time, unsettling
The handful of time that I am charily granted
Will likewise pass, to oblivion duly apprenticed.
Categories: Poetry
Tagged: death, dentist, philosophy, Phyllis McGinley, time, unsettling
Twelve has its tribal customs. But thirteen
Is neither boys in battered cars nor dolls…
Categories: Poetry
Tagged: adolescence, ageing, childhood, Phyllis McGinley, social commentary
The 5:32 0
She said, If tomorrow my world were torn in two,
Blacked out, dissolved, I think I would remember
Categories: Poetry
Tagged: love poetry, Phyllis McGinley, social commentary, suburban